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There are many different crystals that can be used to increase strength. Some crystals are better for general strength, while others are better for specific types of strength. Here is a list of some of the best crystals for strength, along with their properties and uses.

Benefits of Crystals for Each Chakra

  • Increase physical strength
  • Increase mental strength
  • Increase emotional strength
  • Increase spiritual strength

Some crystals are better for general strength, while others are better for specific types. Let’s have a look at the best crystals for strength.

Crystals For Inner Strength

Here are the best crystals for inners strength:

Black Tourmaline: A powerful crystal for protection and inner strength. It helps to cleanse, purify and transform negative energy.

Pyrite: A stone of vitality, willpower and courage. It helps to increase physical strength and stamina.

Hematite: A stone of grounding and stability. It helps to

Crystals For Physical Strength

Here are the best crystals for physical strength:

Carnelian: A stone of motivation and physical strength. It helps to increase stamina and vitality.

Tigers Eye: A stone of courage and strength. It helps to increase willpower and courage.

Pyrite: A stone of vitality, willpower and courage. It

Crystals For Power and Strength

Some crystals are known as power crystals or strength crystals. These crystals can help to increase physical, mental and emotional strength. Here are some of the best power crystals for strength:

Black Tourmaline: A powerful crystal for protection and inner strength. It helps to cleanse, purify and transform negative energy.

Pyrite: A stone of vitality, will power and courage. It helps to increase physical strength and stamina.

Hematite: A stone of grounding and stability. It helps to increase focus and concentration.

Carnelian: A stone of motivation and physical strength. It helps to increase stamina and vitality.

Tigers Eye: A stone of courage and strength. It helps to increase willpower and courage.

These are just some of the best crystals for strength. There are many other crystals that can also be used to increase strength. If you feel drawn to a particular crystal, then it is probably the right one for you. Trust your intuition and go with what feels right for

Crystals For Emotional Strength

Some crystals are known for their emotional strength properties. These crystals can help to increase inner strength and courage. Here are some of the best crystals for emotional strength:

Black Tourmaline: A powerful crystal for protection and inner strength. It helps to cleanse, purify and transform negative energy.

Pyrite: A stone of vitality, will power and courage. It helps to increase physical strength and stamina.

Hematite: A stone of grounding and stability. It helps to increase focus and concentration.

Carnelian: A stone of motivation and physical strength. It helps to increase stamina and vitality.

Tigers Eye: A stone of courage

List Of The Best Crystals For Strength

  1. Tiger’s Eye
  2. Carnelian
  3. Garnet
  4. Hematite
  5. Citrine

1. Tiger’s Eye For Strength

The Tiger’s Eye crystal can fill you with the courage you need to make powerful decisions and banish fear.

tigers eye

Gain more self-confidence with Tiger’s Eye.

The Tiger’s Eye is the perfect crystal to help you embrace your inner power and abolish feelings of fear that are stopping you from pursuing your inner strength. When you’re feeling your self-confidence slipping, use Tiger’s Eye to restore courage and vitality, both of which are necessary to regain your inner strength.

This stone also has strong protective properties which will reduce risks and help you to feel confident in the decisions you make.

How To Use The Tiger’s Eye For Strength?

Keep Tiger’s Eye in a visible spot in your home to soak in its motivational and courageous energy.

2. Carnelian For Strength

Carnelian is known as a stone of vitality and encourages you to jump into action, with a bang.


Want to lose fear and take action? Carnelian is for you.

Carnelian is one of the best crystals for strength as it fills you with a burst of physical and spiritual energy, causing you to take action. It is also a great stone to help you believe in yourself, which can be a big block for those struggling with their inner strength.

Carnelian also helps to improve stamina, not just physically but mentally too. It helps you to continue even when times seem tough, which is great as a journey to inner strength is often not linear.

How To Use The Carnelian For Strength?

Carnelian is the most powerful when it’s directly touching your skin, so choose a pendant or bracelet made from this stone for maximum impact.

3. Garnet For Strength

Red Garnet can be used to release negative energy that’s holding you back from reaching your true inner potential.

red garnet

Use Garnet to cleanse your aura.

The Garnet is a highly cleansing stone for your body, mind, and spirit, which will give you the ability to start afresh building up your inner power without any negative blockages standing in your way.

If it’s self-esteem that you’re struggling with on your journey to inner strength, Garnet can help to alleviate negative thoughts and fill you with self-confidence and positive, bright energy.

How To Use The Garnet For Strength

The Garnet’s cleansing and positive energy are best absorbed through the skin, via jewelry.

4. Hematite For Strength

If there’s negative energy buried deep within, Hematite will find and clear it. It’s a stone that’s full of positivity and will help you increase your mental strength.


Get the Hematite to clear out old traumas that are holding you back.

The Hematite stone is the perfect crystal for you if you have deep-rooted issues that need pulling out like a weed to be addressed and cleared. It’s a grounding stone which means it helps us to feel connected and full of vitality as it absorbs the negative energy from all around us.

Hematite helps you feel protected and safe on your journey to inner strength and fills you with courage, resilience, and energy to restore your mental and emotional strength. Hematite is also one of the best crystals for grounding.

How To Use The Hematite For Strength?

Keep Hematite in your pocket or purse to keep its energy with you wherever you go.

5. Citrine for Strength

Citrine is not just sunny in color, but in energy too. This golden crystal will fill you with radiant and positive energy.


Want to feel empowered? Get your Citrine.

Citrine can keep you shining like the sun even when you’ve been filled with negative or self-doubting energy. It restores vitality and energy to your spirit whilst also bringing abundance with it too.

As it’s a stone that’s connected with the sacral chakra, you may also find your willpower and motivation increased whilst using this Citrine. After all, it takes a lot of mental energy to restore your inner strength.

How To Use The Citrine for Strength?

As it is a stone that’s highly connected with the sacral chakra, the best way to use Citrine is to lie face down with a piece of the crystal on your sacral chakra which is located at the base of your spine. Spend this time meditating for the best effects.

Experience With Crystals For Strength

I have always been a bit of a worrier. I constantly worry about things that were out of my control, often draining me emotionally. A few years ago, I decided to try crystals as a way to help me become stronger emotionally.
I started by using a black tourmaline crystal. I carried it with me everywhere I went, and I would hold it whenever I started to feel overwhelmed by my worries. The black tourmaline helped me to release my worries and to find inner strength.

I also used crystals for physical strength while training for a marathon. I carried a carnelian crystal with me during my runs, and it helped me to increase my stamina and to push through when I felt like giving up.

Crystals have really helped me to find strength in all areas of my life. If you are looking for a way to become stronger, then I highly recommend using crystals. Trust your intuition and go with what feels right for you. There is no wrong way to use crystals. Experiment and see what works best for you.

How To Use Crystals For Strength

There is no one right way to use crystals for strength. Some people carry crystals, while others place them around their homes or office. You can also use crystals in combination with other crystals for added strength.

If you want a crystal to help with physical strength, I recommend carrying a carnelian crystal. If you want crystals to help with emotional strength, I recommend using black tourmaline or pyrite.

You can also use crystals in meditation or prayer. Hold the crystal in your hand and focus on your intention. Visualize the crystal helping you to become stronger.

Crystals can be a helpful tool for strength but are not a replacement for hard work and determination. Crystals can help to increase your strength, but you will still need to put in the effort to achieve your goals. Trust your intuition and go with what feels right for you. There is no wrong way to use crystals. Experiment and see what works best for you.

Final Takeaways

If you’re looking for the best crystals for strength, you’ll need to identify the feelings that are preventing you from connecting with your inner power. If it’s negative thoughts, Citrine or Garnet will help. If you feel lackluster, Tiger’s Eye can help provide you with vitality, and if it’s protection you need, Hematite is the stone for you.