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You might be wondering what feeling grounded means. Being grounded is not the punishment you received as a teenager from your parents when you’d stayed out too late, but instead, it is feeling present in your body and connected to the Earth. With that in mind, here are the 5 best crystals for grounding, if you feel disconnected.

List Of The Best Crystals For Grounding

  1. Smoky Quartz
  2. Hematite
  3. Black Tourmaline
  4. Black Obsidian
  5. Tiger’s Eye

1. Smoky Quartz For Grounding

Smoky Quartz is a great all-around cleanser, not only cleansing your energy but the energy around you as well.

Smoky quartz

The Smoky Quartz is a great renewer of energy.

The Smoky Quartz lets off the perfect combination of both balancing and grounding energy. This crystal has all of the amazing healing energy of Clear Quartz, but in addition, it also helps to balance and ground you.

It is connected to all chakras, but works especially well with the root chakra, the first of all the chakras, meaning ‘wheel of spinning energy.’ It is located at the base of your spine and is known for grounding as well as survival and safety.

How To Use The Smoky Quartz For Grounding?

Wearing Smoky Quartz around your neck as a pendant is a great way to absorb its grounding energy.

2. Hematite For Grounding

Are you feeling confused and out of touch with mother nature? Hematite is the stone for you.


To feel at a higher consciousness, choose Hematite.

The Hematite is a more subtle stone than some of the others, but still has the ability to ground and balance you.

It helps to shield you from any negative energies, as well as brings a higher consciousness all the way through you down to your root chakra, the chakra known for grounding.

Although Hematite provides subtle energy, its shielding effects can be felt immediately.

How To Use The Hematite For Grounding?

We recommend wearing Hematite as a bracelet to keep its grounding any shielding energies close to you.

3. Black Tourmaline For Grounding

Although Black Tourmaline feels like a very gentle crystal, it has extremely powerful abilities that can bring you back to your body almost immediately when you feel out of alignment.

black tourmaline

Feeling disconnected? Try Black Tourmaline.

The Black Tourmaline is a crystal that will help to open a connection to Mother Earth that you may have lost, by grounding your energy.

Not only is Black Tourmaline great for grounding, but it’s also used for clearing energies, dissolving negative energies, and freeing up room for positive ones. By clearing your energy, this crystal helps you to get out of your head and focus on your body.

How To Use The Black Tourmaline For Grounding?

Try putting Black Tourmaline under your pillow to balance and ground you whilst you sleep.

4. Black Obsidian For Grounding

Black Obsidian combines the elements of earth, fire, and water, and as such makes a powerful stone for grounding.

black obsidian

Black Obsidian is the perfect stone for grounding.

The Black Obsidian has a really strong connection with the earth which is what makes it such a powerful grounding stone.

This stone is the most effective when used after you’ve done some spiritual work. It provides a deep connection with the root chakra. When the root chakra is balanced, it helps you to create a firm foundation and brings all of the other chakras into balance. On the other hand, an unbalanced root chakra will make it impossible for your other chakras to be completely balanced.

How To Use The Black Obsidian For Grounding?

Place Black Obsidian in your entryway to shield from negative energies and keep yourself grounded.

5. Tiger’s Eye For Grounding

If your focus is elsewhere, Tiger’s Eye will bring you back to reality with a bang, and is another one of the best crystals for grounding.

tigers eye

Use Tiger’s Eye to stay focused on the present moment.

The Tiger’s Eye is a useful crystal to have in a chaotic situation to help ground you. Tiger’s eye attracts and retains the power of the sun. From this, you can use its energy to feel connected with the earth and your purpose.

This stone is connected to the root chakra, but also to the solar plexus chakra and it is the combination of these two that help you to stay grounded even if you feel like life is spiraling out of your control.

How To Use The Tiger’s Eye For Grounding?

If a certain element of your life feels chaotic, such as work, you can keep Tiger’s Eye in your workplace (or another place of stress) to bring balance and grounding to your energy. If not, wear Tiger’s Eye as a bracelet to reap its benefits.

Final Takeaways

Throughout our lives, we will all disconnect from ourselves and the earth for a while, but using these crystals for grounding will help to give you balance and bring you back to your body and life’s purpose. If you are going through a chaotic situation, Tiger’s Eye can help. If you are feeling out of touch with mother nature, Hematite is the stone you need, and if the energy around you needs to be cleared, Smoky Quartz or Hematite are the crystals for you.