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Balance is something we’re all searching for in life, and it has a profound effect on our emotional, spiritual, and physical wellbeing. Losing balance can cause us to feel lost and overwhelmed, so if you’re looking to regain that sense of steadiness in life, we’ll talk you through the top 5 crystals for balance.

List Of The Best Crystals For Balance

  1. Calcite
  2. Turquoise
  3. Amethyst
  4. Agate
  5. Tiger’s Eye

1. Calcite For Balance

Calcite comes in many different colors, all of which are beneficial in achieving balance.

green calcite

Using Calcite will help to align all of your chakras.

Calcite has a gentle and uplifting energy and is used in the pursuit of emotional balance. You’ll find that by using Calcite, any stress feels alleviated and is replaced with a state of calm. It also helps to clear stagnant energies around you.

Calcite comes in many different colors, and each one helps balance a different side of you. Black Calcite is great for depression, Blue Calcite calms anxiety and allows you to communicate better, Orange Calcite can be used to let go of fear and radiates positive energy, Pink Calcite has healing powers to enable you to let go of any trauma and fills you with a sense of forgiveness, and lastly, Red Calcite uplifts emotions.

How To Use Calcite For Balance?

Calcite is best kept close to the skin to enable you to absorb its powerful energy, so depending on which variation of Calcite would benefit you the most, choose a piece of jewelry to wear, whether it’s a ring, necklace, or bracelet. Alternatively, you could select a bracelet with a combination of different Calcites.

2. Turquoise For Balance

Turquoise is a stone of serenity, peace, and protection, which makes it perfect for bringing more balance and harmony into your life.


Need help feeling balanced during stressful times? Get your Turquoise.

Turquoise can aid in protecting you from stressful or undesirable events in life. When trouble and strife take over, Turquoise restores balance to your emotions.

Turquoise affects the throat chakra enabling openness and honesty, not only with others but also with ourselves. Through its balancing properties, this stone helps to identify the root causes of both joy and unhappiness in your life so that you can make the changes needed to bring you back to alignment.

How To Use Turquoise For Balance?

Keep your Turquoise close to the throat, as this is the chakra it is most associated with, by wearing a pendant made from this stone.

3. Amethyst For Balance

Amethyst is one of the most powerful crystals for balance. It helps to purify and restore your chakras, whilst balancing negative emotions.


Amethyst can be used to let go of sadness and grief.

If it’s an imbalance in your emotions that you’re feeling, Amethyst is one of the best crystals for balance emotionally. It helps to center you, and balances out strong emotions such as grief and loss, anxiety, fear, and sadness.

Amethyst fills you with contentment and peace while working hard to balance out other feelings that pop up over time with its soothing high-energy frequency. This crystal also helps protect you from experiencing these emotions again.

How To Use Amethyst For Balance?

To enable Amethyst to bring your crown chakra back into alignment, lie down to meditate with a piece of this crystal resting just above your head.

4. Agate For Balance

Agate is another stone that comes in different varieties, but all of them are used to provide stability and balance.


Feel the gentle cleansing energy of Agate.

The Agate crystal has gentle grounding and balancing effects. It can aid you in gaining inner strength and helps to restore confidence and positivity. It transforms negative energies and allows you to move past feelings of bitterness or resentment.

Green Agate is especially helpful in the pursuit of emotional balance, although using any of the different variations will help you to feel composed and calm when life gets tricky or during big life changes.

How To Use Agate for Balance?

The best way to use Agate is to place it over your heart. You can do this either by using it during meditating and holding it in your palms over your heart chakra or by wearing it as a long pendant.

5. Tiger’s Eye For Balance

If it’s confidence and clarity you need in order to restore your balance, look no further than Tiger’s Eye.

tigers eye

Create inner harmony with Tiger’s Eye.

The Tiger’s Eye is the perfect crystal for balance, and it works by bringing our spiritual and physical wellbeing into balance together. It enhances feelings of self-confidence and courage. This stone also has powerful protective properties that will keep you protected against negative emotions.

The stone aids you to take action and enables you to make practical decisions that are not clouded by your emotions.

How To Use Tiger’s Eye For Balance?

Keep Tiger’s Eye in your home to protect you from negative emotions and restore balance to your emotions.

Final Takeaways

Finding balance takes a lot of emotional work. With these 5 crystals for balance, you will find yourself feeling harmony and peace in your life again. If you need to restore self-confidence and courage, check out Tiger’s Eye or Agate. To aid in transforming negative emotions into positive ones, try Turquoise or Amethyst, and if you feel completely out of balance, use different variations of Calcite.