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Crystals and stones can help you navigate through grief. While grief can be due to the loss – it can be caused by other things like your health, a breakup, etc. To move forward, you can get the help of crystals for grief. In this guide, we’ll dive deeper into the best crystals for grieving.

While crystals can be effective to help you through grief, if you need extra help, we recommend you to speak to someone.

List Of The Best Crystals For Grief

  1. Rose Quartz
  2. Amethyst
  3. Moonstone
  4. Smoky Quartz
  5. Lepidolite

1. Rose Quartz For Grief

The Rose Quartz is usually used for love, but it also helps with self-love. When you’re grieving, you may need a little boost so that you can take care of yourself – which makes the Rose Quartz a useful crystal.

rose quartz

The Rose Quartz helps in difficult times so that you can experience a feeling of love.

The Rose Quartz is a useful crystal in difficult times especially if you have the tendency to isolate yourself. It will bring love into your life so that you can accept love and support from your loved ones. It will also help you find the motivation to take care of yourself when you’re too overwhelmed with emotions.

The Rose Quartz heals and encourages you to take care of yourself and more importantly, be gentle to yourself.

How To Use The Rose Quartz For Grief?

We suggest wearing the Rose Quartz as a necklace around your heart chakra. It will also serve as a reminder to be kinder to yourself during difficult times.

2. Amethyst For Grief

Amethyst is a great grief crystal because it tranquilizes the mind – even when you feel overwhelmed.


Amethyst can help quiet the mind during tough times.

Amethyst is the perfect stone to help you while grieving. It will bring you back to yourself and reduce your anxiety. That said, it can also help you sleep at night. Known as a healing stone, Amethyst is powerful because it will bring this peaceful sense of calm.

This crystal will help you reduce your stress levels. It’s known to be one of the best crystals for anxiety. So, if you’re experiencing stress after a loss, we recommend you use the Amethyst.

How To Use The Amethyst For Grief?

Amethyst can be wear as jewelry. For faster results, we recommend you hold your crystal in your left hand while doing breathing exercises.

3. Moonstone For Grief

The Moonstone will improve your emotional balance and can be grounding – which makes this crystal useful for those dealing with loss and grief.


The Moonstone will help you center your mind so that you can feel more grounded.

The Moonstone is useful especially if you have a tendency to avoid emotions. It will help you overcome the feeling of numbness so that you can live and experience your emotions fully. It will also help if you’re experiencing a sudden shock or fear.

The Moonstone is also the stone for a new beginning which can help when you feel down or feel stuck with negative thoughts.

How To Use The Moonstone For Grief?

The moonstone can heal when placed on the third eye. That said, you can put it under your pillow to improve your sleep or wear it as jewelry.

4. Smoky Quartz For Grief

The Smoky Quartz can be a great grounding crystal when your emotions are taking over. This grief crystal helps you process your feelings so that you can navigate through the grief stages.

Smoky quartz

The Smoky Quartz is a powerful stone when it comes to grieving.

The Smoky Quartz is helping with depression or any overwhelming feelings. That said, it will help to shift your negative energy into a positive one.

When you use a Smoky Quartz in times of loss, it acts as a buffer – and helps reduce the shock effect caused by the loss. This crystal for grief will help you feel safe and secure when you feel anxious or abandoned.

How To Use The Smoky Quartz For Grief?

We recommend you keep your Smoky Quartz in your pocket when you’re dealing with grief.

5. Lepidolite For Grief

Lepidolite is one of the best crystals for grief. In fact, it helps especially when the grief is difficult. If you experience symptoms of depression or anxiety, Lepidolite could be a great option for you.


Suffering from stress caused by a loss? Release it with the Lepidolite crystal.

Lepidolite will bring balance during stressful events – including big losses. This crystal will help you remain calm and will offer comfort in tough times. That said, if you wish to improve your sleep, you can simply place it under your pillow and the crystal will help you sleep better.

The Lepidolite will help you find your balance again. It will help you see the positives even when it’s hard to see any positivity in a situation.

How To Use The Lepidolite For Grief?

Keeping your Lepidolite on you will boost its effects. You can wear the crystal as jewelry, especially when you’re experiencing difficult times.

Final Takeaways

If you’re experiencing loss or grief, make sure to use one of the crystals for grief mentioned above. They will help you live your emotions in a positive way by helping you feel more grounded. We both love the Lepidolite and we strongly recommend it if you experience painful losses. When choosing a crystal, it can be helpful to identify your needs first so that you can find the right healing method.