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Having confidence isn’t always easy. You need to feel that you can trust yourself and have faith in yourself. If you’ve been struggling with self-confidence, crystals for confidence can help.

In this guide, we’ll talk about the most powerful crystals to help you feel more grounded and reach your full potential. The following crystals for confidence will help you improve your self-confidence and feeling of self-worth.

List Of The Best Crystals For Confidence

  1. Sunstone
  2. Carnelian
  3. Citrine
  4. Tiger’s Eye
  5. Rose Quartz

1. Sunstone For Confidence

The Sunstone can help with self-confidence because it ignites hope, light, and happy vibes.


Improve your confidence with the Sunstone.

The Sunstone can transform a lack of confidence and negative thoughts into light and strength. This means it will help you feel empowered so that you can believe in yourself.

Having a Sunstone nearby will boost love and positive energy around you. The Sunstone is also known for getting rid of self-doubt as the stone provides all the energies you need to improve your self-confidence.

How To Use The Sunstone For Confidence?

We suggest wearing your Sunstone in the form of jewelry so that you can feel the connexion at all times.

2. Carnelian For Confidence

The Carnelian is one of the best confidence crystals because it activates three chakras that stimulate motivation, passion, and progress.


Ready to increase your confidence? Make sure you have your Carnelian close by!

The Carnelian has strong healing properties that can help with courage. If you’re struggling with fear and lack of confidence, the Carnelian will help with that.

The Carnelian crystal will also help get rid of self-doubts to take actions that matter.

How To Use The Carnelian For Confidence?

Keep your Carnelian nearby by wearing it or keeping it in your bag.

3. Citrine for Confidence

If you’re dealing with lots of self-doubts and struggle to make decisions, consider choosing the Orange Citrine.


Get rid of the destructive thoughts with the Citrine for confidence.

The Citrine is the perfect crystal for you if you are often second-guessing your decisions and doubting yourself. This gem is suitable for self-confidence as it connects you to your crown chakra, allowing you to release all bad feelings and negative thoughts.

This stone increases self-confidence and connects the owner with its spiritual self while releasing toxic energies. Citrine also stimulates creativity and enthusiasm which could lead to overcoming social or work challenges.

How To Use The Citrine For Confidence?

You can easily wear the Orange Citrine into a piece of jewelry. Alternatively, you can keep your stone nearby like in your bag or pocket to boost your confidence at all times.

4. Tiger’s Eye For Confidence

If you need focus and self-confidence to make decisions, you should pick the Tiger’s Eye, also known as the stone of the mind.

tigers eye

Have confidence in your judgment with the Tiger’s Eye.

The Tiger’s Eye is the perfect crystal for confidence if you know what decision paralysis is like. It also helps with perceptions which can be useful when making important decisions.

The stone of the mind brings clarity, gets rid of self-doubts, and helps you focus so that you can have the confidence to make the right calls.

How To Use The Tiger’s Eye For Confidence?

The Tiger’s Eye is perfect for meditation. You can also wear it as jewelry. We suggest you wear it as a necklace so that its energy remains close to your heart.

5. Rose Quartz For Confidence

The Rose Quartz is a great crystal for self-love and for self-confidence.

rose quartz

The Rose Quartz is the best crystal to boost love, self-love, and confidence.

The Rose Quartz is a great choice – especially when you struggle to love yourself. After all, how could you increase your confidence without love?

The Rose Quartz helps you with obstacles or destructive patterns that could lead to low self-esteem. By embracing yourself, and loving yourself, you’ll gain the confidence you need to live the life you want. When using the Rose Quartz, you’ll feel a sense of worthiness.

How To Use The Rose Quartz For Confidence?

We suggest you meditate with the Rose Quartz. Although, you can also wear it as jewelry close to your heart chakra.

Final Takeaways

When choosing a crystal for confidence, you should first think about your goals and your needs. If you need to increase your confidence to make decisions, we suggest you pick the Tiger’s Eye. If you aim to increase your self-worth, self-love and therefore, your self-confidence, opting for a Rose Quartz could be a better fit.