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Crystals have been used for protection for centuries. Many cultures and religions believe in the power of crystals to ward off negative energy and protect against harm.

Crystals for protection are specifically made to protect you from evil forces and negative cosmic energies. Certain crystals provide a higher level of protection than others. In this guide, we’ll dive deeper into this topic and let you know which crystals are the best for protection.

Benefits Of Crystals For Protection

  • crystals act as a barrier against negative energy
  • they can protect your home from negativity and psychic attacks
  • they can help you to stay grounded and centred
  • crystals can also help to boost your spiritual growth

Crystals have been used for protection for a long time. People in many cultures and religions believe that crystals can keep away bad energy and protect against harm.

Many crystals can be used for protection. Some of the most popular ones are mentioned in the section below.

List Of The Best Crystals For Protection

  1. Black Tourmaline
  2. Amethyst
  3. Black Obsidian
  4. Blue Kyanite
  5. Clear Quartz

1. Black Tourmaline For Protection

Black tourmaline is one of the best crystals for protection. This crystal is often used to protect its owner from psychic attacks and EMF.

black tourmaline

Black Tourmaline will protect you against a variety of negative energy sources.

The Black Tourmaline is the perfect stone to protect you from negative energies. If you are constantly dealing with people who drag you down due to their negative thoughts, the Black Tourmaline is the perfect stone for you. Not only it will protect you from other external negative energies, but it will also help you get that extra confidence and positive vibe. In fact, this crystal is one of the best crystals for empaths.

The Black Tourmaline is also known to help with lung issues and improve your metabolism. The Black Tourmaline could be a great helper in relieving muscle soreness and boosting your immune system. This crystal is also one of the best stones to protect you from EMF.

How To Use The Black Tourmaline For Protection?

To get the most benefit from Black Tourmaline’s healing powers, you should wear it close to your skin. A necklace or bracelet from Black Tourmaline is the perfect tool to protect your health and spirit from negative energies.

2. Amethyst For Protection

Amethyst is a suitable crystal if you are looking for protection against fear or addiction. This crystal’s high vibration helps to block negative energy and move you into your higher consciousness.


Suffering from anxiety? Amethyst can help.

Amethyst is the perfect stone to enhance your intuition, spirituality, and meditation. This crystal will calm you down and protect you from nightmares or insomnia. If you are suffering from bad dreams, Amethyst is the perfect crystal for you.

This crystal will help you become more mindful and reduce your stress levels. It’s also a great crystal to guard you against psychic attacks. Are you stressed from an upcoming challenge? Amethyst will help you keep your mind focused. In fact, it is one of the best crystals for anxiety.

How To Use The Amethyst For Protection?

Amethyst is widely used as jewelry. This way, your mind will remain calm which will have a positive impact on your daily decisions. If you prefer to bring brightness, enthusiasm, and warmth into your home, Amethyst can be also used as decoration.

3. Black Obsidian For Protection

The Black Obsidian is the most effective cleanser of psychic smog. This crystal is known for its strong protective shield, which will block psychic attacks and absorb negative energies.

black obsidian

Looking for the strongest cleanser? Get the Black Obsidian.

The Black Obsidian is a great protector of your aura from negative energies. This vulcanic crystal is also suitable for love manifestation. It will help you attract positive people into your life rather than toxic encounters which ruin your chakra.

The Black Obsidian is often referred to as the most protective stone in the world thanks to its unique abilities to convert negative energies into positive vibes. If you often suffer from panic attacks, the Black Obsidian is a great tool to bring you back into a calm space. This crystal is also great protection against other people’s traumas and for manifesting.

How To Use The Black Obsidian For Protection?

Unlike other protection stones, the Black Obsidian isn’t typically used in jewelry. You can simply sweep the crystal over your body. If you plan to protect your home from bad energies, simply place the crystal close to your front door.

4. Blue Kyanite For Protection

Blue Kyanite is a high vibration crystal that is known to bring all your chakras into alignment which improves your mediation as well as your healing abilities.

blue kyanite

The Blue Kyanite is the perfect crystal to protect your chakras.

The Blue Kyanite is an extremely powerful healing crystal. This stone is well known to improve emotional connections such as relationships with fellow family members or coworkers. It improves your communication skills and gives you the confidence to express your feelings and beliefs. Depending on the color of the Kyanite, it can also ground your energies and support your environmental healing.

How To Use The Blue Kyanite For Protection?

Simply lay on your back and hold the Blue Kyanite in the center of your body so you can feel how all your chakras are aligned and cleared from negative energy.

5. Clear Quartz For Protection

Clear Quartz is a powerful crystal that can help with deflecting negativity and attracting positivity. In short, this crystal releases, absorbs, stores, and regulates energy.

clear quartz

The Clear Quartz is a powerful crystal that can help you overcome negativity and increase the powers of other crystals.

The Clear Quartz is also known to amplify your energy and enhance the effect of other crystals. That said, it has very strong powers of protection – including protection against anyone who wants to cause harm to you. The Clear Quartz is one of the best protection crystals because not only it protects you, but it also helps increase your awareness and perceptions.

The Clear Quartz has healing properties that can help with feelings of negativity. In fact, by setting positive intentions, you can increase your positive feelings and thoughts.

How To Use The Clear Quartz For Protection?

Many people like to wear the Clear Quartz as a necklace, earrings, or a ring so that they can protect themselves from negativity. We suggest you set an intention when wearing the Clear Quartz.

Experience With Crystals For Protection

I’ve always been a bit of a worrywart, so I was interested in trying out crystals for protection. I decided to start with amethyst, which is said to be one of the most powerful crystals for protection.

I quickly found that amethyst helped me to feel more relaxed and protected. I wore it during times when I felt particularly anxious, and it really seemed to help. I also started keeping an amethyst crystal in my bedroom to help with insomnia. It definitely made a difference!

If you’re looking for a way to feel more protected, crystals may be worth a try. I would recommend starting with amethyst.

Tips On How To Use Crystals For Protection

There are many ways to use crystals for protection. Here are some tips:

Place stones around your home or workplace to build a protective barrier. Carry stones with you in your bag or pocket. Use crystals as jewelry or carry them close to your skin.

Place crystals on your altar or meditation space. Program crystals with your intention for protection.

Do some research to find the crystals that are most aligned with your needs and then get creative in how you use them!

Final Takeaways

When choosing the perfect crystal for protection, you should first think about the energy from which you want to be protected. Everyone struggles with different types of emotions and not every crystal is always the best fit for you. If you are looking for protection against psychic attacks, the Black Tourmaline or Black Obsidian are some of the best stones to consider.

If you are aiming to become calmer and stress-free, the Amethyst is a much better choice for you.