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Empaths are people who have a high level of empathy. While empathy can be helpful to understand other people, it can also result in overwhelm and hypersensitivity. The following protection crystals are perfect for empaths who need help handling negative emotions.

As empaths can act as sponges, they can benefit from crystals that can absorb negative energy so that they can feel protected and stronger.

List Of The Best Crystals For Empaths

  1. Black Tourmaline
  2. Amethyst
  3. Black Obsidian
  4. Lapis
  5. Clear Quartz

1. Black Tourmaline For Empaths

The Black Tourmaline is one of the best crystals for protection and can help empaths because it acts as a field protector.

black tourmaline

The Black Tourmaline will protect you against negative energy sources.

The Black Tourmaline is a stone that protects you from negative energies. If you are often dealing with people who drag you down due to their negativity, the Black Tourmaline is a great option. It will help you remain grounded and positive so that you don’t feel overwhelmed, and drained.

When using the Black Tourmaline, you’ll boost your positivity so that you can stay strong physically and mentally.

How To Use The Black Tourmaline For Empaths?

Bring your Black Tourmaline in your pocket so that it’s nearby to protect you from the negative energy. You can also meditate with the stone if you need to get rid of stress and anxiety.

2. Amethyst For Empaths

Amethyst is one of the best crystals for empaths because it helps with relaxation and calm. It acts as a natural stress reliever which can help if you’re surrounded by negative energy.


Need help to relax and remain calm? Amethyst can help because it’s one of the best crystals for anxiety.

The Amethyst is the perfect stone to remain calm and stress-free. It brings balance and harmony to your body and in your home.

This crystal will also help with intuition – which can help when dealing with people. It basically opens up your third eye so that you can read a higher state of consciousness.

How To Use The Amethyst For Empaths?

Place your Amethyst where you need it the most – whether it’s at home or at your office. It will help by blocking the negative energy.

3. Black Obsidian For Empaths

The Black Obsidian is known for its strong protective shield that absorbs negative energies. This means it’s a great crystal for empaths.

black obsidian

Looking for a robust shield against negative energy? Try the Black Obsidian.

The Black Obsidian protects your aura from negative energies. It provides a great barrier against people who can drain your energy.

The Black Obsidian can also protect you against other people’s traumas because it helps you stay grounded. You’ll be able to remain empathetic without being affected by other’s problems.

How To Use The Black Obsidian For Empaths?

Bring the Black Obsidian crystal with you especially if you’re planning on going to a social event. We recommend placing it in your pocket or wearing it as jewelry.

4. Lapis For Empaths

The Lapis Lazuli is also known as the stone of truth which can enhance your intuition. This means it’s a great empath stone as it will help you trust your intuition more when helping someone.


Need help with your intuition? Wear the Lapis as a necklace.

The Lapis can help with stress and anxiety. This crystal helps you remain calm and gives you a feeling of peace while helping you own your wisdom.

The Lapis Lazuli can also help with standing up for yourself by removing fear and self-doubts.

How To Use The Lapis For Empaths?

Wear the Lapis Lazuli as a necklace so that it’s close to your throat chakra.

5. Clear Quartz For Empaths

The Clear Quartz is a powerful crystal that can help with negative energy. In short, this crystal releases, absorbs, stores, and regulates energy. That said, it’s a good crystal for empaths because it transforms negative energy into positive energy.

clear quartz

The Clear Quartz is a powerful crystal that can help you with negative energy.

The Clear Quartz amplifies energy which means it can also help if you are using other crystals. This empath crystal brings a sense of calm, emotional balance and can reduce the negativity around you.

The Clear Quartz has healing properties that can help with stress, anxiety, or depression. Also known as the Master Healer, it definitely is a powerful crystal for empaths.

How To Use The Clear Quartz For Empaths?

Wear the Clear Quartz as a necklace, earrings, or a ring so that you can protect yourself from negativity.

Final Takeaways

When choosing the perfect crystal for empaths, you should first think about your needs. Do you need help with intuition or do you need help with energy? If you need to boost your intuition, we suggest using the Amethyst or the Lapis. If you need help with negative energy, then we recommend the Clear Quartz, the Black Tourmaline, or the Black Obsidian. We personally prefer the Tourmaline.