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Our intuition helps guide us through our lives. Have you ever managed to avoid a bad situation because you had a gut feeling? We make decisions all the time that have no factual evidence but are based purely on our instincts and intuition. When your intuition is off, you can feel disconnected from yourself, lost, and unable to make clear decisions, so today we’ll be talking about the 5 best crystals for intuition.

List Of The Best Crystals For Intuition

  1. Amethyst
  2. Fluorite
  3. Labradorite
  4. Kyanite
  5. Moonstone

1. Amethyst For Intuition

Amethyst is connected with both the crown and third eye chakras, which makes it an excellent crystal for improving intuition.


Amethyst is one of the best crystals to heighten your intuition.

Amethyst is the perfect stone for helping you to access your own inner wisdom. It manages to both calm and stimulate your mind at the same time, bringing you deep inner peace and providing you with the clarity in decisions that only comes from being aligned with your intuition.

Amethyst activates your third eye and crown chakras which are linked with spirituality and higher consciousness. It can also help to cure headaches that are keeping you from delving deeper into your mind.

How To Use The Amethyst For Intuition?

Meditate lying down with a piece of Amethyst on your third eye chakra (located between your eyebrows) to clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts and tap into your inner intuition.

2. Fluorite For Intuition

The Fluorite crystal brings clear-headed energy to the user, which is crucial for accessing your intuition.


Enhance your mental capabilities with Fluorite.

The Fluorite crystal is known to bring an energy that clears the mind, allowing for wiser decisions. It links the mind to the unconscious and helps us connect to the spirit world. Fluorite absorbs negative energies around you to provide mental clarity.

Fluorite encourages harmony within yourself which provides you with the opportunity to connect more deeply with yourself and your mind. It also improves concentration and focus.

How To Use The Fluorite For Intuition?

Keep Fluorite around your home to shield yourself from negative thoughts that inhibit your mental clarity.

3. Labradorite For Intuition

Labradorite is a stone of mental transformation and will help you to improve your consciousness.


Looking for the best crystals for intuition? Don’t miss Labradorite.

The Labradorite is an illuminating stone that increases mindfulness, allowing you to process all of your thoughts and emotions, and leading you to a state of greater awareness. With increased awareness, your intuition can guide you to your life’s purpose, and allow you to understand situations more clearly.

You may find yourself looking at your reality with new eyes after using Labradorite, from a state of enlightenment. It also helps to release any stress that may be blocking your ability to use your intuition to its full potential.

How To Use The Labradorite For Intuition?

Labradorite is a beautiful stone and makes for stunning jewelry. Wear it as a pendant or bracelet to enjoy its transformative powers.

4. Kyanite For Intuition

The high vibrational energy from Kyanite allows you to strengthen your intuition, as well as your vision, to provide a clear view of your path.

blue kyanite

Kyanite is one of the most used stones for intuition.

The Kyanite is a crystal of courage, that helps you to find your true life’s purpose. This stone works hard to clear mental blockages that are preventing you from connecting with the unconsciousness.

Kyanite helps to balance all of your chakras, bring vitality to your soul, and stimulate your spiritual energy, which all lead to enhanced intuition.

How To Use Kyanite For Intuition?

Kyanite has a gentle energy that is perfect for use whilst meditating. It helps to draw you into a deep meditative state, and connect with your spiritual energy.

5. Moonstone For Intuition

The Moonstone is linked to the crown chakra and is linked with improved psychic abilities.


Connect to your intuition through dreaming with Moonstone.

The Moonstone is a stone of feminine power that encourages dreaming and enhances intuition. Through dreaming, Moonstone allows us to access our unconscious minds, and also find sense in symbols and hidden truths. Unsurprisingly, Moonstone is also one of the best crystals for sleep.

Moonstone will help you to trust the journey to enlightenment as you focus on improving your intuition, with its cleansing and energizing aura.

How To Use The Moonstone For Intuition?

With its deep links to sleep, place Moonstone under your pillow to improve your intuition whilst you dream, and wake up feeling inspired.

Final Takeaways

When choosing crystals for intuition, you will find that the most beneficial crystals have strong links with the crown and third eye chakras, which are both heavily linked to spirituality, transformation, and awareness. For mental transformation, try Labradorite. If you need to unlock your dreams from a higher state of consciousness, it’s Moonstone you should choose, and if clarity is something you’re seeking, Kyanite can help.