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Do you want to connect to your higher consciousness by opening the crown chakra? Those five crystals for crown chakra will help you enhance your spirituality so you can reach your highest potential.

List Of The Best Crystals For Crown Chakra

  1. Amethyst
  2. Clear Quartz
  3. Labradorite
  4. Selenite
  5. Howlite

1. Amethyst For Crown Chakra

Do you feel like being trapped in your past? Get the Amethyst to open your Crown Chakra and heal your blockages.


Access your higher consciousness with the Amethyst.

Amethyst is the perfect crystal to connect your body with the divine. This gem brings balance between your consciousness and wisdom. It will help you to connect o your highest self.

Keep in mind that you should first align your root and heart chakra before opening the crown chakra. Depression or social isolation might be caused by resentment and blockages which can be resolved by opening the crown chakra and accessing your higher consciousness.

Amethyst is also known to relieve emotional pain and bring positive to your life.

Keen to explore the best crystals for the heart chakra?

How To Use The Amethyst For Crown Chakra?

Carrying a small Amethyst in your pocket or purse will ensure uninterrupted protection of your mind. You can also place the Amethyst in the center of your home to protect your living space from negative energies.

2. Clear Quartz For Crown Chakra

Read to enhance your spirituality? The Clear Quartz crystal stimulates your crown chakra and allows you to look deep into yourself.

clear quartz

The Clear Quartz is a powerful crystal that can help you overcome negativity and boost your spirituality.

The Clear Quartz is the perfect gem to amplify positive energies and connect to the universe. This crystal will enhance your aura and your spiritual growth. This crystal for the crown chakra absorbs negative energies and helps protect your emotional wellbeing.

The vibrations of the Clear Quartz are able to clear stagnant energies and even cleanse other crystals. If you are working in a negative environment, the Clear Quartz should be added to your crystal collection to protect your own aura.

Have a look at the best crystals for the sacral chakra!

How To Use The Clear Quartz for Crown Chakra?

Place the Clear Quartz crystal in your living space or on your office desk to create a protective shield around yourself and protect your aura from negative energies.

3. Labradorite For Crown Chakra

Looking for a crystal that will transform you? The Labradorite might just be the perfect stone to open your Crown Chakra and connect to your higher self.


Get the Labradorite to access other dimensions.

The Labradorite is connected to your Third Eye and Crown Chakra. It will open the door to other dimensions and higher consciousness. The Labradorite is an extremely powerful stone and it should not be used by beginners. Experienced healers use this gem for spiritual and psychological enlightenment during deep meditations.

This unique crystal sharpens your psychic abilities and protects you from the inside out. The Labradorite is known to absorb negative energies and release positive vibrations. It strengthens your aura and grounds your spiritual energies.

How To Use The Labradorite For Crown Chakra?

Labradorite is the perfect crystal for mediations. You can also wear the Labradorite as jewelry to calm and stabilize your inner self.

4. Selenite for Crown Chakra

Access your higher consciousness with the vibrations from the Selenite crystal. Access higher realms with this crystal for the Crown Chakra.


Are you ready to push your meditation to the next level? Get the Selenite!

The powerful Selenite crystal is known for its high vibrations that are able to open multiple chakras to clear negative energy. This stone is also used to access situations from your former lives during deep meditation.

The Selenite crystal is also used to remove blockages and negative thoughts. It’s also a great stone against insomnia. This crystal is used to channel energies where needed.

How To Use The Selenite For Crown Chakra?

The Selenite is commonly used during mediations. Hold this crystal in your hand, close to your heart to fully benefit from its high vibrations.

5. Howlite For Crown Chakra

Heal your soul with the high vibrations from the Howlite crystal for the Crown Chakra.


Use the high vibration of the Howlite to open your Crown Chakra!

Howlite is used to heal emotional traumas. The high vibrations of this crystal are able to open the Crown and Root Chakras and connect you to Mother Earth as well to your highest consciousness.

No other crystal is able to facilitate this type of connection which will boost your inner strength and calm you down in stressful situations. Howlite is also known to strengthen confidence and can also be used as a crystal for self-love.

This powerful crystal is able to bring awareness to your mind and control your emotions.

How To Use The Howlite For Crown Chakra?

Keep the Howlite close to your body when meditating to be able to fully embrace the energies from the Crown Chakra.

Final Takeaways

These crystals for the Crown Chakra are amazing gems to resolve mental blockages. The perfect crystal to open your Crown Chakra depends on your experience. If you are experienced in meditating, the Labradorite and Selenite are some of the most powerful crystals that will allow you to access your higher consciousness. If you are a beginner, the Amethyst will be a much more versatile crystal for your needs.