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There are many reasons why some people struggle to sleep. Whether it’s an overactive mind, nightmares or terrors, or insomnia, it takes a toll on both your mind and body. Today, we are bringing you 5 crystals for sleep that will help you drift off in no time.

List Of The Best Crystals For Sleep

  1. Howlite
  2. Amethyst
  3. Moonstone
  4. Celestine
  5. Rose Quartz

1. Howlite For Sleep

Stress can often be the main factor in insomnia. Use Howlite’s soothing and peaceful energy to ease stress and get a better night’s sleep.


Feel tranquil and serene with Howlite.

Howlite can help to alleviate insomnia by helping you to release the stress that is keeping you from sleeping soundly. It promotes inner stillness which is crucial for sleep.

Howlite is perfect for those overthinkers who find it hard to switch off and quieten the mental noise taking place in their minds. The calming energy that Howlite gives off promotes a great sleep pattern and helps you to avoid tossing and turning at 3 am.

Creating a peaceful sleep environment needs to happen a few hours before bed so make sure you use your Howlite when winding down in the evening.

How To Use The Howlite For Sleep?

When preparing for sleep, hold the Howlite in the palm of your hand to encourage stillness and deep sleep.

2. Amethyst For Sleep

Amethyst is a purifying stone that encourages deep sleep and prevents nightmares, but it may not work for everyone.


Suffering from night terrors? Amethyst can help.

Amethyst purifies the mind of negative thoughts which aids in the prevention of nightmares and night terrors. In turn, this helps to reduce insomnia as nightmares can be a cause of lack of sleep. As it rids you of negative thoughts, Amethyst encourages positive thoughts which help to influence your dreams. If it is negative and anxious thoughts that are keeping you awake, you should know that Amethyst is one of the best crystals for anxiety too.

Whilst this crystal is especially good for sleep, Amethyst doesn’t work for everyone. Those that are incredibly light sleepers may find that the stone does more harm than good. You can remedy this either by keeping your gem further away from your body, or using a smaller piece at first.

How To Use The Amethyst For Sleep?

Keep a piece of Amethyst on your nightstand to encourage positive thoughts while dreaming and keep nightmares at bay.

3. Moonstone For Sleep

Unbalanced emotions or emotional turmoil can prevent you from sleeping well. When you feel your emotions are high, sleep is crucial to helping you deal with them, which is where Moonstone steps in.


Are your emotions preventing you from sleeping? Get your Moonstone.

The Moonstone crystal is known for reducing emotional tension. By releasing stress from your body, it will aid you in getting a better night’s sleep. As far back as ancient times, Moonstone was used as a sleeping stone, with great effects. If the stress you’re feeling is caused by changes in your life and fear of the unknown, Moonstone is the stone for you as it is also known as one of the best crystals for new beginnings.

You might not know this, but Moonstone is even used as a treatment for sleep walking!

How To Use The Moonstone For Sleep?

Try placing the Moonstone under your mattress for better sleep. In order to create balance with this stone, use 4 pieces, one under each corner of your mattress.

4. Celestine For Sleep

Another crystal for those whose brains are constantly chattering away, Celestine helps to shut down your stream of thoughts and bring about feelings of tranquility and peace for a night of undisturbed sleep.


Celestine is one of the best crystals for a full night’s sleep.

Celestine is the perfect crystal for putting your mind at ease, so your mental to-do lists and thoughts of imaginary situations will finally be put to bed. Celestine promotes serene energy and will help to create a soothing and peaceful vibe in your bedroom.

Celestine is known for its celestial properties and as such can help you to interpret and remember your dreams, especially the ones which you feel are significant and full of signs and symbols that you wish to understand better. While you sleep, it helps to guide your spirit towards a higher vibration.

How To Use The Celestine For Sleep?

Contrary to what you’d think, Celestine is not a good crystal to keep under your pillow as it may be too intense for those who are sensitive to the energy received from crystals. Keep it in your bedroom, but further away from you while you sleep. A windowsill is a good spot as it can be recharged by the moon while you’re dreaming.

5. Rose Quartz For Sleep

Known as the loving stone, Rose Quartz is what you need to make you feel secure and loved, causing tranquility in your mind and setting you up for a deep sleep.

rose quartz

The Rose Quartz one of the best crystals for sleep.

The Rose Quartz is the perfect crystal for letting go of any strong emotions we’ve been feeling throughout the day, filling you with feelings of love and peacefulness. These positive emotions will allow you to catch a full night’s sleep and Rose Quartz helps to keep your dreams positive, by warding off nightmares.

If it’s the quality of your sleep you’re struggling with and you find yourself waking up every few hours, try Rose Quartz for an undisturbed and peaceful night. This crystal will help you to feel completely calm and rested and helps to heal your heart from anything that’s disturbing you through the night.

How To Use The Rose Quartz For Sleep?

We suggest holding the Rose Quartz in your hand before bed and focusing hard on the issues that have been keeping you awake. You’ll find your problems will start to ease and peacefulness will wash over you.

Final Takeaways

There is a light at the end of the tunnel for those who struggle to sleep. These 5 crystals for sleep all have different properties and will address different issues that those who struggle to drift off might suffer from. If overwhelming thoughts are keeping you up half the night, try Howlite or Celestine. If you suffer from nightmares, it’s Howlite again. For emotional upheaval, Moonstone is the stone you need, and Rose Quartz is best for creating a positive sleeping atmosphere.