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Are your emotions all over the place? Do you have trauma to heal from? Or are you grieving the loss of a loved one? Here are 5 crystals for emotional healing that will help you to ease negative feelings and sadness so you can make more room in your life for true joy.

List Of The Best Crystals For Emotional Healing

  1. Rose Quartz
  2. Amethyst
  3. Rhodochrosite
  4. Lepidolite
  5. Calcite

1. Rose Quartz For Emotional Healing

Rose Quartz is known as the heart healer. This stone helps bring emotional harmony to your life.

rose quartz

The Rose Quartz is the best crystal for a broken heart.

The Rose Quartz is the perfect crystal to help restore balance and emotional harmony within you. It brings feelings of joy, love, and emotional healing to those who use it.

The Rose Quartz helps to dissolve old hurts that may still be bringing you down, and as well as giving off strong vibrations of love, it also helps with self-love too. Physically rose quartz is excellent for your heart too, increasing blood circulation and accelerating healing. The rose quartz, otherwise known as the heart healer brings about emotional harmony through opening your heart chakra.

How To Use The Rose Quartz For Emotional Healing?

We suggest you keep the Rose Quartz close to your heart by wearing it as a necklace. Alternatively, if you find your negative emotions are strongest at night, keep it under your pillow for more peace while sleeping.

2. Amethyst For Emotional Healing

Amethyst is one of the best crystals for emotional healing. It is known for softening sadness and grief and promotes feelings of serenity.


Suffering with grief? Amethyst can help.

Amethyst is known to be a natural tranquilizer. It works hard to release feelings of stress and strain that you might be experiencing if you are overcome with sadness. When your emotions are low, mood swings may occur frequently, and Amethyst helps to dispel any feelings of rage, fear, or anxiety.

Users of Amethyst will find they feel calmer and more grounded by restoring balance to their emotions. Those suffering from feelings of hurt and trauma may also feel very anxious, and Amethyst can help with that too. Amethyst is one of the best crystals for anxiety.

How To Use The Amethyst For Emotional Healing?

You can use Amethyst to help calm you while laying down by placing the stone near your head. You can also use it around your home to clear any negative energy throughout your space.

3. Rhodochrosite For Emotional Healing

Rhodochrosite is one of the best crystals for dealing with past hurt, in particular childhood trauma.


Is overcoming your past trauma difficult? You need Rhodochrosite.

The Rhodochrosite is a powerful stone that helps you to find beauty in dark times.

Whilst you may not want those feelings from your past to come to the surface, in order to heal from them, you must first face them. This is where Rhodochrosite helps. It brings those suppressed feelings back to you and helps you to overcome and heal from them. It also promotes strong feelings of self-love, to help you feel more joy in place of the trauma.

How To Use The Rhodochrosite for Emotional Healing?

As you are dealing with your traumatic emotions, whether it’s alone through meditation, or in a therapy session, hold Rhodochrosite in your hand to support you in your journey of healing.

4. Lepidolite For Emotional Healing

Lepidolite helps to deal with feelings of overwhelm which might be one of the emotions you’re experiencing while you’re trying to heal.


Struggling to stay calm and keep anxiety at bay? Try Lepidolite.

Lepidolite will bring calm energy to you with its stabilizing energy and help you feel at peace within yourself. It helps to bring about a deep sense of security which will aid anxiety and overwhelm.

If you are struggling with depression, Lepidolite helps to reduce thoughts of depression and replace them with more calming and peaceful ones. It also aids in encouraging forgiveness, which may be a part of your emotional healing journey.

How To Use The Lepidolite For Emotional Healing?

Keeping Lepidolite close to you will help you reap its benefits, so try wearing it as a necklace, bracelet, or brooch.

5. Green Calcite For Emotional Healing

The Green Calcite is a crystal for forgiveness and compassion, helping you to let go of painful emotions.

green calcite

Need to forgive in order to forget? Green Calcite can help.

Green Calcite is known for bringing softness to your heart, when it may be bitter from working through feelings of hurt and trauma, to bring emotional healing. It does this by encouraging feelings of forgiveness to those who have done you wrong, as well as generating compassion from within you.

If you are struggling to let go, Green Calcite will help release buried thoughts and feelings for faster healing. It also brings about positive change which is crucial when healing emotionally.

How To Use The Green Calcite For Emotional Healing?

Green Calcite has a strong connection with nature, so try meditating outside with the stone. Alternatively, keep Green Calcite close to your heart, as it works with the heart chakra to bring about emotional healing.

Final Takeaways

When choosing the perfect crystals for emotional healing, identify what it is you need to heal from first. If you’re trying to heal from a breakup, Rose Quartz would be a good option for you to help heal your heart. If you’re dealing with grief, Amethyst will help to soften that. Or if you want to finally overcome childhood trauma, Rhodochrosite is the one for you. Used correctly, these stones will help you to let go of feelings of sadness and loss, and bring peace into your life.