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Looking for a way to focus while studying? These crystals for studying should help you remain concentrated and calm while prepping for your upcoming exams. In this guide, you’ll find crystals that allow you to focus, get rid of limiting beliefs, and increase your confidence.

Without further ado, let’s explore the best crystals for studying.

List Of The Best Crystals For Studying

  1. Fluorite
  2. Amethyst
  3. Blue Sodalite
  4. Tiger’s Eye
  5. Clear Quartz

1. Fluorite For Studying

The Fluorite crystal increases focus which can be helpful for students. The Fluorite is one of the best crystals for studying as it helps you study longer and deeper.


Fluorite can help you focus during your studies.

The Fluorite Crystal for studying allows your mind to open up to new ideas, strategies, and more! That said, you’ll be able to study longer because of the stability and focus it brings.

It can also help with self-doubts if you struggle to feel confident when preparing for an exam.

How To Use The Fluorite For Studying?

You can place the Fluorite crystal on your desk or simply put it in your pocket when studying. Alternatively, you can wear it as jewelry so that you can remain focused at all times.

2. Amethyst For Studying

Amethyst is known to be a good protection crystal, but it can also help students to concentrate and stay aligned during studying sessions.


Suffering from stress? Amethyst can help you remain calm when prepping for your exams.

The Amethyst is one of the best studying crystals because it will help you get rid of stress when studying. That said, your negative thoughts and anxiety will go away so that you can focus on the tasks.

This crystal will help you remain calm if you also struggle to sleep before an important exam. This way, you’ll feel energized on your big day.

How To Use The Amethyst For Studying?

Amethyst is widely used as jewelry. When studying, we suggest you place it on your desk and you can carry the crystal with you during exams to remain calm and focussed.

3. Blue Sodalite For Studying

The Blue Sodalite is a crystal that brings calmness and enhances rational thinking – which can be helpful when studying.

blue sodalite

Need help to think rationally? Try the Blue Sodalite.

The Blue Sodalite is a great crystal for studying because it helps you focus and stay in the present. Stop worrying about the future and potential outcomes, and focus on the things you can do right now – like studying.

This crystal is a great option for overthinkers as well as anxious students who can’t focus on their studies. When studying with the Blue Sodalite nearby, you’ll be able to feel calm and concentrated.

How To Use The Blue Sodalite For Studying?

Place your Sodalite on your desk as a reminder to stay focus while studying. Having your crystal around will help you stay realistic and in the present.

4. Tiger’s Eye For Studying

The Tiger’s Eye, also known as the stone of the mind, is a great crystal for students because it helps with focus.

tigers eye

Trust yourself with the Tiger’s Eye.

The Tiger’s Eye is the perfect crystal to enhance your confidence when studying. If you need the calm, and focus to be able to feel confident about your upcoming exams, the Tiger’s Eye will suit you well.

The stone of the mind brings clarity and gets rid of self-doubts so that you can feel brave and confident about your studies.

How To Use The Tiger’s Eye For Studying?

The Tiger’s Eye is perfect for meditation before an exam, but you can also place it on your desk while studying.

5. Clear Quartz For Studying

The Clear Quartz is a powerful crystal that can help with studying because it get rids of negative energy and release positive energy instead.

clear quartz

The Clear Quartz is a powerful crystal that can help you overcome negativity while you study.

The Clear Quartz is also known to amplify the effect of other crystals. That said, you could combine it with other crystals listed here for optimal effectiveness.

The Clear Quartz increases positive thinking and can help you concentrate when you study. It will help clear your mind so that you don’t feel distracted with non-important thoughts prior to an exam.

How To Use The Clear Quartz For Studying?

Wear the Clear Quartz as jewelry or place it on your desk while you prep for your exams. As it enhances the powers of other crystals, you can easily use it to maximize the effects of multiple stones.

Final Takeaways

When choosing the perfect crystal for studying, you should first think about your needs. If you need to concentrate and focus, you can choose the Fluorite. If you need to remain calm so that you can focus on your studies, pick the Sodalite or the Tiger’s Eye. Remember that you can also bring your crystal in your pocket during your exam to feel confident and to remain calm at all times.