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When it comes to crystals for intimacy, there are a few different things you can keep in mind. Different crystals have different properties, so it’s essential to choose the right one for your needs. Here are a few of the most popular crystals for intimacy and what they do.

Sex is an important part of life. We are all sexual beings, and if you feel out of balance sexually, it’s as important to fix as any other area of imbalance in your life. Luckily, these 5 crystals for sex can help with intimacy issues, low libido, and passion.

Benefits Of Crystals For Intimacy

  • Increased libido
  • Improved sexual performance
  • Increased leasure during sex
  • Increased creativity
  • Reduction of stress and anxiety
  • Improved communication and intimacy
  • Create a more positive mood

Crystals for intimacy can help to increase sexual desire, reduce stress and anxiety, improve communication and intimacy, and create a more positive mood.

Some of the most popular crystals for intimacy include rose quartz, red garnet, and red jasper.

List Of The Best Crystals For Sex

  1. Carnelian
  2. Red Jasper
  3. Rose Quartz
  4. Red Garnet
  5. Smoky Quartz

1. Carnelian For Sex

With its fiery color, it’s no wonder Carnelian is a stone of passion and intimacy.


Carnelian has been used for sex since ancient times.

If you feel like your sex life is lacking, use Carnelian to reignite passion and awaken your desires. Carnelian can help bring fun back to your sexual encounters and allows you to be open to new types of intimacy.

The Carnelian crystal energizes the sacral chakra, is thought to help with impotence and blockages, making it one of the best crystals for fertility.

How To Use The Carnelian For Sex?

There are two ways to benefit from Carnelian. You can either keep it close to your bed or wear it as jewelry to absorb more of its passionate energy.

2. Red Jasper For Sex

If you’re struggling with a lack of libido, Red Jasper can help.

red jasper

Red Jasper is often used by men to increase their virility.

Low libido could be the result of a blockage in the sacral chakra, or inhibitions around sex, and the Red Jasper can help to release these to bring you more pleasure. This stone helps to rid you of shame around your sexual fantasies to be able to let go and enjoy intimacy with your partner without embarrassment.

With Red Jasper, you’ll find that your interest and excitement around sex are heightened, as well as your self-confidence, and others will be drawn to your erotic energy.

How To Use The Red Jasper For Sex?

Carry a piece of Red Jasper in your pocket to keep it close to your sexual organs.

3. Rose Quartz For Sex

The Rose Quartz is one of the best crystals for sex, due to its reputation as the heart stone.

rose quartz

Looking for more intimacy? You need Rose Quartz.

The Rose Quartz is used to increase love and intimacy between you and your partner. It improves communication and feelings of love, which will enable you to feel more connected to each other during sex.

Rose Quartz will help you and your partner to clear up any issues or conflicts that are preventing you from connecting with each other in the most intimate and sexual way.

How To Use The Rose Quartz For Sex

Rose Quartz can be used during intimate massages, or during sexual play with yoni eggs or pleasure wands.

4. Red Garnet For Sex

Red Garnet can be used to release your inner sexual being and acknowledge your own sexual prowess.

red garnet

Use Red Garnet to feel irresistible.

The Red Garnet is the perfect stone to use if you feel undesirable. It will help you tap into your inner sexual God/Goddess and unleash your desirability, causing you to become irresistible to your sexual partner. It will also encourage you to own this power and realize your own sexuality.

If your sex life is a bit stale, Red Garnet can help to revive and ignite new sexual energy in your relationship to bring excitement and passion back to sex. It can help you to manifest your greatest sexual desires and enjoy them without shame.

How To Use The Red Garnet For Sex

Keep Red Garnet under your pillow to maximize its raw sexual energy while you sleep.

5. Smoky Quartz For Sex

The Smoky Quartz can help you to revisit your sexual side, particularly if this is a part of you that has been dormant for a while.

Smoky quartz

Reignite your sexual energy with Smoky Quartz.

The Smoky Quartz will help you to recognize that there is no shame around sex, and increases libido, whilst encouraging you to express your true self sexually. It is especially helpful to those who have difficulty expressing their sexual needs due to past trauma.

Smoky Quartz helps to align our spiritual needs with our sexual needs and realize that sex is a normal, natural, and healthy part of life. It cleanses your sexual chakras of any blockages that have been discouraging you from connecting you with your sexual side.

How To Use The Smoky Quartz For Sex?

As Smoky Quartz helps you to do the internal work needed to overcome any inhibitions holding you back from enjoying pleasure, meditating with this stone is the best way to heal and move forward.

Experience With Crystals For Intimacy

I’m not usually one to believe in crystals for sex and the like, but I have to say that I was pretty impressed with how well they worked for intimacy.

My husband and I were struggling with some communication issues, and we weren’t really sure how to get past them. We decided to try crystals for intimacy, and it definitely made a difference.

I was sitting on the bed, feeling lost and hopeless. Our relationship had been falling apart for months and I didn’t know how to fix it. We had tried counseling, we had tried talking, but nothing seemed to work until we started using the rose quartz.

We both felt more open to communicating with each other, and we were able to resolve some of the issues we were having.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your sexual relationship, I would definitely recommend trying crystals for intimacy. They might just be the thing you need to spice things up. I also recommend trying some of the crystals for sacral chakra.

How To Use Crystals For Libido

When it comes to crystals for intimacy, it’s important to know how to use them correctly. Here are a few tips on how to get the most out of crystals for intimacy.

1. Choose the right crystal. Not all crystals are created equal, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs. Some crystals are better for increasing libido, while others are better for reducing stress and anxiety. Choose the crystal that best suits your needs.

2. Cleanse the crystals. Before using the crystals, it’s important to cleanse them of any negative energy. You can do this by placing them in a bowl of salt water overnight or by smudging them with sage.

3. Use them during sex. One of the best ways to use crystals for intimacy is to place them around your bed or in your pockets during sex. This will help to amplify their effects.

4. Be open to the experience. Crystals can be a great way to improve your sexual relationship, but it’s important to not only rely on crystals to help with libido. Communication and mutual understanding are the key elements to make your relationship work.

Final Takeaways

These 5 crystals for sex all have different uses and target different issues that may be causing dissatisfaction in the bedroom. To feel more seductive, try Red Garnet. For more pleasure and fun in sexual play, Carnelian and Jasper will help to reignite your desires and increase your libido. For better intimate connection, it’s Rose Quartz that will benefit you the most, and to connect with your sexuality, Smoky Quartz may help you get back into alignment with your own sexual needs.