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Are you starting out on your fertility journey? Or maybe you’ve been trying to conceive for a while and are looking for some help.

In this guide, we’ll see how crystals can aid fertility, which are the best crystals for fertility, and we’ll talk about ways to use them to help you get pregnant.

But first, let’s take a look at the benefits of using crystals for fertility and pregnancy.

Benefits Of Using Crystals For Fertility

  • Crystals can help to balance your energy and support the body’s natural healing processes.
  • They are said to promote fertility in both men and women, and may increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy for women who are trying to conceive.
  • Crystals can be used during labor to ease pain and provide emotional support.
  • After childbirth, crystals can help to restore the body’s energy and balance hormone levels.

Now, if you want to give crystals a go during your fertility journey, let’s take a look at the best crystals to help fertility.

List Of The Best Crystals For Fertility

  1. Carnelian
  2. Moonstone
  3. Chrysoprase
  4. Aventurine
  5. Aquamarine

1. Carnelian For Fertility

Carnelian is a great stone to encourage your sexuality and protect your reproductive organs.


Ready to make a baby? Don’t forget your Carnelian!

Carnelian will boost your sexual energy and fill you with desire, the first step to making a baby. It also activates the kundalini energy at the base of the spine, which is divine energy of feminine power.

The Carnelian crystal is linked to your sacral chakra and helps to dissolve any blockages inhibiting your fertility, both male and female. It also helps to protect against miscarriage and balances reproductive hormones, alleviating symptoms of PMS at the same time.

How To Use The Carnelian For Fertility?

Keep Carnelian beside your bed to remove energy blocks to your sacral chakra.

2. Moonstone For Fertility

If irregular cycles are interfering with your desire to conceive, try Moonstone.


Alleviate menstrual issues with Moonstone.

This crystal uses the moon’s feminine energy to increase your fertility and improve your cycles. The Moonstone can heal issues with your reproductive system that are blocking fertility. It is known as the ‘mother’s healing stone’, promoting ease in conceiving.

Moonstone is most powerful around a full moon.

How To Use The Moonstone For Fertility?

Keep the Moonstone close by while lovemaking on a full moon. Alternatively, sit under a full moon and meditate while holding Moonstone.

3. Chrysoprase For Fertility

Chrysoprase is known for its ability to enhance sexual power and stimulate fertility.


Enhance your fertility with Chrysoprase.

This crystal is particularly useful for those whose fertility is compromised by infection. The Chrysoprase helps to reverse infertility caused by STDs and other infections, as well as low sperm count. If your hormones are out of balance, Chrysoprase will help with that too.

Chrysoprase is also great for supporting emotional health, which is particularly important when trying to conceive. Fertility journeys can often invoke many negative emotions, including self-blame and frustration, and Chrysoprase will ease those feelings.

How To Use The Chrysoprase For Fertility?

We suggest keeping a piece of Chrysoprase in your pocket. You can also add your Chrysoprase to your bath.

4. Green Aventurine For Fertility

Not only is Green Aventurine great for fertility, but it also helps with love.

green aventurine

Get the aptly named ‘stone of opportunity.’

The Green Aventurine brings good luck to those who use it, as well as balances female and male energy. It is also known for bringing abundance, so with fertility intention, it may help bring an abundance of babies into your future.

If your relationship has been affected by a long fertility journey, and you and your partner both harbor feelings of inadequacy or blame, this crystal will help bring you back together. Green Aventurine promotes love and harmony and can help to ease emotional issues between you and your loved one.

How To Use The Green Aventurine For Fertility?

Wear a bracelet or necklace made of Aventurine, especially when love-making.

5. Aquamarine For Fertility

Aquamarine is known to be the protector of both mother and baby. It shields their energy through both conception and pregnancy.


Feel like you need protection? Use Aquamarine.

Not only does Aquamarine protect mother and baby, but it also helps to discourage miscarriage, so if you’ve been unfortunate enough to experience this in the past, try using Aquamarine to keep you and your baby safe on your fertility journey. That said, Aquamarine is an excellent crystal for pregnancy too.

This stone also helps to bring inner peace and a ‘go with the flow’ attitude, which can be hard to maintain while trying to conceive. The stress from trying for a baby can be intense, so a little relaxation will help to calm those intrusive doubts and worries.

How To Use The Aquamarine For Fertility?

Try wearing Aquamarine as jewelry, whether that’s a necklace, bracelet, earrings, or ring. Keeping it close to you will help that protective energy be most effective.

How To Use Crystals For Fertility

If you’re new to crystals, the idea of using them for fertility may seem a bit daunting. But don’t worry! Using crystals for fertility is quite simple and can be incredibly practical in supporting your reproductive health.

There are many different ways to use crystals for fertility. The most important thing is to find a method that feels right for you. Below, we’ll explore some of the most popular ways to use crystals for fertility.

1. Wear Or Carry A Fertility Crystal

Wearing or carrying a fertility crystal is a great way to keep its energy close to you throughout the day. Choose a crystal that resonates with you and place it in your pocket, on a necklace, or in your bra. Some of the most popular fertility crystals include moonstone, rose quartz, and turquoise.

2. Place Crystals On Your Altar Or Sacred Space

If you have a dedicated altar or sacred space in your home, you can place fertility crystals there as part of your regular ritual practice. This is a great way to create a consistent reminder of your intention to conceive.

3. Use A Crystal Elixir

Crystal elixirs are a potent way to infuse your body with the energy of crystals. To make a crystal elixir, simply place a clean, tumbled stone in a glass of pure water and allow it to infuse overnight. You can then drink the elixir throughout the day or use it to water your plants.

Some of the best crystals for fertility elixirs include amethyst, jade, and lapis lazuli.

4. Take A Crystal Bath

Crystal baths are a relaxing and luxurious way to connect with fertility crystals. Simply add a few clean, tumbled stones to your bathtub and allow them to infuse the water with their energy. You can then enjoy a long, relaxing soak.

Some of the best crystals for fertility baths include rose quartz, amber, and citrine.

5. Make A Crystal Grid

Crystal grids are a powerful way to amplify the energy of crystals. You’ll need nine clean, tumbled stones to create a fertility grid. Choose three stones for the base row of your grid and three stones for the middle row. Then, place a stone in the center of the grid and one at each point of the compass.

Rose quartz, moonstone, and turquoise are all excellent choices for a fertility grid.

6. Use A Crystal Pendulum

Crystal pendulums are a great way to get answers about your reproductive health. To use a pendulum for fertility, simply hold the pendulum over your abdomen and ask it questions about your cycle, ovulation, or anything else related to your fertility journey.

Experience With Fertility Crystals

I have always been interested in crystals and their purported healing properties. A friend of mine who was trying to get pregnant told me that she had been using a crystal to help her conceive. I was intrigued and decided to try it out for myself. I bought a moonstone and started carrying it around with me.

I don’t know if it was the power of the crystal or just a coincidence, but I got pregnant within a few months! I continued to use the moonstone throughout my pregnancy and even kept it in my hospital bag when I went into labor.

I genuinely believe that the moonstone helped me to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy.

I would recommend it to anyone trying to get pregnant or looking for a natural way to improve their fertility.

Final Thoughts On Fertility Crystals

Fertility struggles can be extremely hard, and these stones will help to restore your confidence and boost your chance of conception. When choosing crystals for fertility, consider the issue you’re trying to resolve.

If it’s a miscarriage you’re concerned about, keep Aquamarine or Carnelian close by.

If your hormones are out of balance, try Carnelian or Moonstone, and if your relationship has been impacted by this journey, use Green Aventurine to bring you back together.

Love having fun in the bedroom? Read our guide to learn about the best crystals for intimacy and sex.