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We speak a lot here about the emotional and spiritual benefits of crystals, of which there are many. But did you know, that there are also a lot of physical benefits too in the form of pain relief, from migraines to inflammatory disorders, to infections, and more. So, here are the 5 best crystals for pain.

List Of The Best Crystals For Pain

  1. Amethyst
  2. Hematite
  3. Rose Quartz
  4. Aquamarine
  5. Bloodstone

1. Amethyst For Pain

Amethyst is known as the ‘Master Healer’ and is an extremely versatile crystal when it comes to pain relief.


Arthritis bothering you? Amethyst can help!

Amethyst is an excellent crystal to have around if you suffer from pain, due to its wide range of benefits. It is especially good at helping with migraines, arthritic pain, and metabolic issues. On top of that, it also supports the stomach, heart, and skin, and can support healing and reduce pain in those areas of the body too.

Stress and lack of sleep can cause physical pain in your body, such as migraines or stomach pain, and Amethyst alleviates that and removes blockages that are creating pain. It aids in a good night’s sleep, which is beneficial to your overall health and wellness. Amethyst is actually one of the best crystals for sleep.

How To Use The Amethyst For Pain?

For best results with Amethyst, lie down with a piece of Amethyst on your pain point and allow it to work its magic.

2. Hematite For Pain

Hematite has a high iron content, and because of this, it is an excellent crystal for pain caused by circulatory issues.


Hematite is full of detoxifying properties.

The Hematite gem is great for those who are feeling pain due to toxin build-up. With its naturally detoxifying properties, it also removes negative emotions around pain and instead replaces them with feelings of strength. Through doing this, you can see a physical improvement in your pain levels.

Hematite is also excellent for circulatory issues, due to its high iron content, meaning it is excellent for conditions such as anemia, high blood pressure, or kidney and liver diseases.

How To Use The Hematite For Pain?

Keep a piece of Hematite on you at all times, whether that’s in your pocket or purse to reap its benefits.

3. Rose Quartz For Pain

Rose Quartz has many properties that make it helpful to those in pain. It is able to reduce pain from reproductive issues, soothe inflammatory pain, and is wonderful for skin conditions.

rose quartz

Painful skin? Rose Quartz has got you covered.

The Rose Quartz is the perfect crystal for pain relief from skin issues, such as eczema, psoriasis, burns, or cuts, with its soothing and anti-inflammatory benefits. This property also makes it an exceptional stone for inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, or IBS.

The Rose Quartz can be helpful especially to women who suffer from pain related to reproductive conditions such as endometriosis and balances your hormones in this region at the same time. As well as physical pain, Rose Quartz can help with emotional pain caused by reproductive issues such as infertility too.

How To Use The Rose Quartz For Pain?

The Rose Quartz is most effective for pain when it’s held, so set aside some time to sit and hold it in the palm of your hand for instant pain relief.

4. Aquamarine For Pain

Aquamarine is a gentle stone, but don’t mistake that to mean it doesn’t have powerful healing capabilities. With its anti-inflammatory properties, this stone can help with a range of different conditions.


Is your body inflamed and painful? You need Aquamarine.

The Aquamarine gem is full of anti-inflammatory properties and because of that can help with pain related to respiratory issues, as well as the nervous system. This means that if you’re suffering from flu-like symptoms or a chest infection, Aquamarine can bring you relief from the symptoms of these and also help to make breathing easier, by supporting the throat and lungs.

Aquamarine is also excellent if you suffer from muscle pain or spasms. It also helps to soothe any anxieties associated with pain, to bring you relief, making it one of the best crystals for pain.

How To Use The Aquamarine For Pain?

As the Aquamarine crystal is associated with the throat and lungs, wearing a pendant made from this stone will help you to catch your breath, and feel the healing benefits on your respiratory system.

5. Bloodstone For Pain

As its name would suggest, Bloodstone is the stone for you if you are suffering from blood-related conditions. It is connected to the root chakra and as such is also helpful at dispelling female reproductive pain.


Suffering from PMS? Let Bloodstone soothe your symptoms.

The Bloodstone is a crystal that optimizes the bodily function of your reproductive organs and helps with pain caused by PMS, menopause, and even childbirth. It stimulates blood circulation within the body and aids the body in healing itself.

This stone also stimulates the immune system to prevent colds, infection, and inflammation, and aids in quick healing and re-energizing if you happen to have felt the impact of one of these conditions.

How To Use The Bloodstone For Pain?

As Bloodstone is so optimal for female reproductive health, women should keep a piece of Bloodstone in the pocket of their trousers to keep it close to the area affected.

Final Takeaways

Suffering in pain doesn’t have to be the only option for you. Instead, you can use one of these crystals for pain relief, and feel the benefits of doing so quickly. If a build-up of stress is causing physical pain to manifest in your body, try Amethyst. If you feel full of toxins that are causing pain, Hematite can detoxify your whole body. If skin conditions such as open wounds, eczema are plaguing you, you’ll want to try using Rose Quartz. Aquamarine can help reduce inflammation-related pain throughout your body, whilst bloodstone can aid with painful PMS or menopausal pain.