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If you’re dealing with feelings of depression, you might have given up hope with the world. But fear not, we have 5 crystals for depression to help turn those dark thoughts around and get you experiencing joy in your life again.

List Of The Best Crystals For Protection

  1. Smoky Quartz
  2. Lepidolite
  3. Black Obsidian
  4. Carnelian
  5. Amethyst

1. Smoky Quartz For Depression

If your negative feelings are getting the best of you, Smoky Quartz can help. It is a great grounding stone to help bring you back to the realities of life, rather than get carried away with your emotions.

Smoky quartz

Smoky Quartz is helpful for dispelling suicidal thoughts and feelings.

The Smoky Quartz helps those with depression to dispel any extremely dark and suicidal thoughts through times of trouble. With its powerful grounding properties, Smoky Quartz will help to remind you that your negative feelings don’t hold power over you.

This crystal soothes fear and anxiety and helps to purify your energy to leave you feeling uplifted. It is also helpful to relieve panic attacks caused by depression.

How To Use The Smoky Quartz For Depression?

We recommend keeping Smoky Quartz either in your pocket or purse to form a protective shield around you.

2. Lepidolite For Depression

Lepidolite is known to be one of the best stones for bringing balance and dissipating negative thoughts and emotions.


Suffering from negative thoughts? Lepidolite can help!

Lepidolite will bring balance when you feel overwhelmed with thoughts of worry. If you are an overthinker, Lepidolite is a good crystal to try.

Once Lepidolite has resolved negative thoughts, it awakens feelings of self-care and self-confidence, leaving depression behind as it supports you in loving yourself and feeling happier in life. Self-care can often fall to the side when you’re struggling with depression, so feeling like you’re able to claim this back can be a great step in the direction of letting go of depression for good.

How To Use The Lepidolite For Depression?

To feel all of the balancing energy Lepidolite brings, try wearing it as jewelry.

3. Black Obsidian For Depression

Anyone who struggles with depression will know how much inner strength it takes to deal with, and that’s where Black Obsidian can help.

black obsidian

Looking to gain more inner strength? Get the Black Obsidian.

The Black Obsidian can clutter up your mind with unhelpful negative thoughts, and Black Obsidian helps to rid your mind of these, to bring you peace and inner clarity. It also brings inner strength to help you deal with the strong emotions you might be feeling.

Black Obsidian is a powerful crystal and can bring the root cause of your depression to the surface, so be prepared to deal with the cause of your negative emotions. Black Obsidian will aid you in working through these issues to be able to come through the other side feeling your thoughts of sadness leave you.

How To Use The Black Obsidian For Depression?

Use Black Obsidian around your home to dispel negative energies, or use it during meditation to help bring clarity to your mind.

4. Carnelian For Depression

If you’re ready to banish negative thoughts and fill your life with pure joy instead, Carnelian is the stone for you.


Ready to turn your frown upside down? Check out Carnelian.

Carnelian is known as the stone of endurance, which those who deal with depression know it takes a great deal of.

The Carnelian crystal helps to rid you of anxious thoughts, whilst simultaneously dials up feelings of both promise and passion, to make you feel more positive overall. If you’ve suffered from depression for a long time, you might feel like it has consumed you, but Carnelian brings vitality to help you feel like the person you were before depression took the lead.

How To Use The Carnelian For Depression?

Carnelian is best kept close to you, so consider wearing it as a pendant or bracelet to absorb more of its energy.

5. Amethyst For Depression

Amethyst radiates light and positivity, something you might be looking for more of in your life if you suffer from depressive thoughts.


If you want to feel more positive, Amethyst can help.

Amethyst helps to relax and calm your nerves when you feel depression or anxiety takes over, and release the harmful impact that these emotions have on us, both physically and mentally.

Amethyst connects with the third eye chakra which will help you learn to trust your own instincts instead of the negative thoughts that are trying to consume you. This crystal also connects with the crown chakra which will help to uplift you spiritually. As well as depression, Amethyst is one of the best crystals for anxiety.

How To Use The Amethyst For Depression?

Amethyst can be used in many different ways to bring you positive energy. You can either wear it as jewelry, keep it in your home, or carry it with you in your pocket.

Final Takeaways

When it feels like depression is taking over, use these crystals to support you in letting go of those negative thoughts and allowing more light into your life instead. Black Obsidian is great for dealing with the root cause of your depression, although make sure you’re ready for this as it’s a powerful stone. Smoky Quartz is excellent for dealing with suicidal thoughts or tendencies, and Amethyst and Carnelian will help create positive and balanced emotions in place of the negative and depressive ones.